Do you want to hear a tip for how I manage my anxiety and fear around food? I invite it to sit with me as I have a cup of coffee.
Do what now?
Fear is just our minds way of keeping us safe, but sometimes it can get a little carried away. So, here’s what I do.
First, I name what I am feeling. Am I worried about gaining weight? Why would that be such a bad thing? Oh that’s fear! Hello again, fear.
Next, I talk to that feeling. I ask, “what do you have to share?” (This is where journaling can be a great asset because you can write everything down and reread it to help understand where you’re coming from and why you’re feeling that way).
Then, I thank my fear for being brave enough to share. It’s just trying to protect me. Then, this is the most difficult part, I challenge the fear. I’ll ask, “what facts do you have to support this thought?” Nine times out of ten, it’s just “what ifs” and nothing that can be proven. Our brains are designed to recognize danger, that’s how humans have been able to survive as a species. However, sometimes our brains can get a little too creative when it comes to what could go wrong in a situation. I’ve found this to be extremely true for people who have survived trauma. Remember, it’s just your body trying to protect you.
The next time fear decides to pay you a surprise visit, take a deep breath and invite it to the table for a cup of coffee and a chat. Honor what your fear is trying to tell you, but remember that you are in charge. This will take some getting used to, but trust me, once you master this, a new chapter in your life will open up for you. I promise.