No matter what decisions you have made to get you where you are right now, you always have the ability to start over. Whether it’s choosing a healthy, plant-based meal after a day (or longer) of regrettable food decisions or something bigger (like a move to where your soul feels like you truly belong), you can always start over.

This is your sign that it’s never too late to choose what you love. Honor that little voice inside that’s whispering to you. Nurture it. Make a plan. Break that plan down into steps you can take everyday; they don’t have to be big steps either! Do you want to improve your diet for your health? Look up some recipes online. Print out one that looks good. Make a shopping list of the ingredients. Go to the store. Buy the ingredients. Put the ingredients away when you get home. Make the recipe. These are easy steps and they don’t even have to take place on the same day!
Small changes really add up. Remember, the smallest hinge has the ability to open the heaviest door. 💚 When I’m overwhelmed, I think of this saying and I find one small step that I can take in that moment to get me where I want to be. Can you relate to this? Let me know in the comments!
Simple changes add up over time to make a big impact. I would love to help you learn small steps you can take to improve your health. I believe in healing and transformation through nutrition and lifestyle. I invite you to tell me where you are on your journey! I offer a free one hour consultation to new and potential clients. Are you ready to make a change to your life and thrive? I would love to hear from you! Schedule an appointment and let’s chat.